Stag Do Nicknames - 50+ Ideas For Your Stag Party T Shirts

If you're planning your night out with the lads before the wedding, our Personalised Stag Do T-Shirts are a great thing for the group to wear.
Making them funny and personal is something that has to be done, and one thing which you can do is get your nicknames put on the back of them.
What better way to break the ice with the ladies than them shouting your nickname from across the bar?
We've got some brilliant names for you and your group. From the top funny nicknames which are rude, to themed ideas and an A-to-Z of stag nicknames you can have printed on the back of your shirts.
Here's some ideas to get you started, and remember we offer FREE nickname printing when you get our Stag T Shirts at Jesmundo.
Top 50 Funny & Rude Stag Nicknames
Here's our top 50 funny nicknames for your stag do. You'll have seen these before, they're hilarious, rude and perfect for any group of friends looking for nicknames which will get you noticed.
- Ivor Biggun
- Chris Peacock
- Justin Case
- Ben Dover
- Tommy The Tank
- Juan Kerr
- Dixon Cider
- Dan Gleeballs
- Master Baker
- Paul Mycock
- Willie Stroker
- Chew Kok
- Dixie Normous
- Jack Goff
- Phat Ho
- B.J. Cobbledick
- Dick Small
- Dick Large
- Dick Raper
- Rusty Kuntz
- Mike Hunt
- Mike Litorus
- Mike Weiner
- Jack Kanoff
- Billy Swallows
- Peter Bonerz
- Hyman Shocker
- David Fister
- Woody Held
- Bobby Muncher
- Ben N. Syder
- Barry Drizzler
- Buster Cherry
- Clee Torres
- Dick Pound
- Dixie Rect
- Harry Azcrak
- Harry Kuntz
- Harry Weiner
- Hugh Janus
- Isaac Dick
- Jack Meoff
- Lou Swimmin
- Master Bates
- Neil Down
- Oliver Clozov
- Pat Hiscock
- Pat McGroin
- Robert Fitzinwell
- Seymour Snatch
What else could you have? Well you could go themed, or at least based on a theme, or for the truly cringe worthy factor, go for something dirty or sexual.
Themed Stag Party T Shirt nicknames
Top Gun Call Signs - Maverick, Strider, Goose, Iceman, Viper, Merlin, Hollywood, Wolfman
Reservoir Dogs - MR Pink, MR White, MR Orange, MR Blonde, MR Brown
Stag Do Nicknames: A to Z Ideas
Stag Party Nicknames Beginning With |
A Nicknames |
B Nicknames |
C Nicknames |
Awesome | Bad | Calculating |
Angry | Baffled | Canny |
Alcoholic | Barmy | Captivating |
Able | Brilliant | Capable |
Abusive | Bashful | Clean |
Abnormal | Bangers | Clumsy |
Admiring | Bend Over | Chubby |
Alcoholic | Beaver | Crazy |
Afraid | Blunt | Cheap |
Aged | Best | Careless |
D Nicknames |
E Nicknames |
F Nicknames |
Dirty | Eager | Flirty |
Daring | Effortless | Fierce |
Dashing | Egotistical | Fabulous |
Dominating | Erotic | Festive |
Dishy | Embarrassing | Fine |
Daft | Emotional | Flirtatious |
Dreamy | Electrofying | Fizzy |
Dangerous | Edgy | Fancy |
Desperate | Easy-Going | Foolish |
Dazzling | Educated | Frustrated |
G Nicknames |
H Nicknames |
I Nicknames |
Gobby | Handsome | Irritating |
Gallant | Humble | Ironic |
Goer | Humping | Innocent |
Gloomy | Harsh | Immature |
Gentle | Hottie | Idiotic |
Generous | Hot | Impulsive |
Groggy | Hot Stuff | Intense |
Greedy | Horny | Irrisponsible |
Grumpy | Happy | Impractical |
Guilty | Hypnotized | Immoral |
J Nicknames |
K Nicknames |
L Nicknames |
Jealous | Kinky | Lazy |
Juvenile | Kind | Loud |
Jarring | Kissable | Lame |
Jerky | Keen | Limber |
Jobless | Killer | Lick |
Joking | Knackered | Lanky |
Jolly | Knowing | Lick Me |
Judgmental | Knobhead | Lewd |
Jumbo | King | Late |
Jet-Set | Kooky | Lonely |
M Nicknames |
N Nicknames |
O Nicknames |
Manly | Naughty | Obvious |
Marvellous | Nasty | Over The Hill |
Mischevous | Nervous | Old |
Mint | Nutty | Oafish |
Massive | Noble | Obscene |
Mad | Naked | Obnoxious |
Moral | Naturistic | Offensive |
Magnificent | Naive | Outgoing |
Mature | Needy | Outspoken |
Masculine | Narcissistic | Obidient |
P Nicknames |
Q Nicknames |
R Nicknames |
Pervert | Queen | Rauchy |
Posh | Quiet | Ruthless |
Pornstar | Quick | Rash |
Party | Queasy | Rich |
Patronising | Quirky | Rockstar |
Pissed | Quotable | Risky |
Perfect | Questioning | Rimmer |
Powerful | Rebel | |
Pesky | Rude | |
Poor | Ridiculous | |
S Nicknames |
T Nicknames |
U Nicknames |
Seedy | Tactful | Unlucky |
Selfish | Tits | Unusual |
Scruffy | Terrible | Ugly |
Stunning | Thick | Unstable |
Scary | Tasty | Unique |
Sober | Touchy | Unacceptable |
Sucking | Tolerant | Unappealing |
Shy | Thirsty | Unbaffled |
Sinful | Touched | Ungrateful |
Savage | Terrific | Uncomplicated |
V Nicknames |
W Nicknames |
X Nicknames |
Virgin | Wicked | XXX |
Vigorous | Wacky | X-Ray |
Vagina | Wonderful | |
Vacuous | Woeful | |
Vanishing | Wild | |
Validating | Wanted | |
Vile | Witty | |
Vexed | Worthless | |
Vivid | Whiney | |
Vicious | Winning | |
Y Nicknames |
Z Nicknames |
Yob | Zany | |
Youthful | Zesty | |
Young | Zippy | |
Youngish | Zealous |
Free Stag Nickname Printing At Jesmundo
Remember when you get your t-shirts from us for your stag night, we offer free nickname printing on the back of your shirt.
It's the perfect way to personalise your tees and give them that extra touch which will get your night off to a cracking start.
Get the lads together and use these for your whatsapp group names, which will get things going in the right direction.
Choose from T Shirts or vest tops, 10 different colours in sizes small to XXL, or mix and match them at no extra cost.
Make your stag stand out by getting his T-Shirt a different colour to the rest of the groups, a popular option.