21 Sarcastic Quotes About Love

All you need is love? Maybe, or maybe not. We've come up with tons of sarcastic quotes about love.
You'll find these quotes funny, they'll make you laugh and they're all completely relatable. Suitable for him and for her, if you like a bit of sarcasm, these will be right up your street.
These quotes take inspiration from our sarcastic T Shirts collection, which are perfect if you want to increase your sarcasm level.
Here's some brilliant sarcastic quotes about love. They're funny because they're true!
Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely
I think i'm a love triangle. I love myself. Myself loves me. Me loves I.
If love is the answer, please could you re-phrase the question.
I love you in a way that's nauseating to others.
I plan on annoying you every day for the foreseeable future.
Woo Woo! Here comes the relation ship.
Nothing says I love you like sarcasm.
Marry someone who you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
You are so lucky to have me.
I love you even when I'm really, really hungry.
If you are cooler than me, does that make me hotter than you?
I love you more than gin.
I tolerate you.
You'll Do.
I love you more than I originally planned to.
You repulse me the least.
You suck less than most people.
I shaved my legs for you.
I don't hate you.
I'm obsessed with you in a non creepy way.
Love is in the air. Do not breathe.
And there you have it! 21 sarcastic quotes about love. If you like these and prefer them in a list format, here's the list in full.
21 Sarcastic quotes about love.
- Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely
- I think i'm in a love triangle. I love myself. Myself loves me. Me loves I.
- If love is the answer, could you please re-phrase the question.
- I love you in a way that's nauseating to others.
- I plan on annoying you every day for the foreseeable future.
- Woo Woo...Here comes the relation ship.
- Nothing says I love you like sarcasm.
- Marry someone you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
- You are so lucky to have me.
- I love you even when I'm really, really hungry.
- If you are cooler than me, does that make me hotter than you?
- I love you more than gin.
- I tolerate you.
- You'll do.
- I love you more than I originally planned to.
- You repulse me the least.
- You suck less than most people.
- I shaved my legs for you.
- I don't hate you.
- I'm obsessed with you in a non creepy way.
- Love is in the air. Don't breathe.